Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hanging in the Florida Keys... Another Shade of Blue Style

Hi Fans, this is Jeannie with the Another Shade of Blue crew.  Ty, Bill and Chad are in Key West today shooting a great story in the ocean about the USN Vandenberg sunken ship. On May 27, 2009 at 10:21 AM Vandenberg was sunk to become the largest artificial reef in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, and the second largest in the world. Marine life began colonizing immediately and the ship is now home to pelagic and reef fish, and many other species of marine plants and animals.  I'm sure Ty will get some great shots down at depth.  Bill will be filming for our show with his new Amphibico underwater housing, the footage thus far has been phenomenal.  The crew is planning on visiting the Hemingway House in Key West later in the day.  A great spot for writer Ty to check out one of his more famous peers digs. Tomorrow the crew is heading out to do some crab fishing followed by cooking the crab up at a local restaurant, more details soon. Check us out at and remember everywhere we go the water is always Another Shade of Blue!